It is elusive. It appears to be in my grasp, but then is so harshly taken away. I feel it near, but I just can't reach my fingertips to it. I want it. I want it bad. Why does it play so hard to get? The perfect run. Perfection at this point would be to run without screams of resentment coming from one daughter and the cries of contempt from the son. It was a marvel that I got any running in today. Again, quantity not quality.
There was a fieldtrip. Supper was made and children fed. I asked if we could all go together for a run and the girls bike along with me. The rolling of eyes and the gasps of air that were released rustled the permission slips on the counter. So, I tried to smile through that and say "oh c'mon, let's go!" Bubby screamed as I put him in the stroller. Bee just said she wanted to get this over with. Honey, oh my Honey.....she was the icing on the cake disguised as a cow pattie with her relentless pout. Needless to say we didn't get that far and I asked them to turn around and head home. They were a little shocked. This run was so far from perfect I would almost think I should subtract miles off my total.
I got them home. I ran some laps. I did some running on the roadways in front of the house and through the yard. They were happier, and I was starting to unclench my teeth a bit. I had interuptions such as "can you charge my ipod?" or "momma, I gotta poop!" At one point I was ready to give up, but I said this is what this challenge is all about. Push through it. Serenity now! I finished with 3 miles.
There is always hope for a brighter day! Everyone is in better spirits and so am I. Thank goodness. Total 207.1 miles.
thank you for that post... thanks for acknowledging that reality of exercising with kids... inspiring as always
Posted by: caramel apple photography | 06/24/2011 at 09:08 AM